About Pearl

It was 2012 when my mother passed that I realized I could still communicate clearly with her. This awareness started me on my path of psychic journeying, personal development and workshops and classes to help foster this newly developed path. Looking back on my life, moments clicked together like a puzzle thinking of all of the times I had intuitive or psychic moments, and mediumship communication with the other side. My training in mediumship development includes mentorships with Cindy Kaza, Tony Stockwell and Anthony Mrocka.

I have been trained in evidential mediumship, psychic, soul, shamanic readings, and trance mediumship. My readings tend to be a blend of all of my training.

I began studying The Tarot seriously in 2018 and learned the soul tarot style with Lindsay Mack. This soul-centered approach is a holistic look at your soul’s journey, using the cards as a tool to light up the path of your experience.

Pearl lives in Colorado with her husband, and their five children.